Digital Photography Classes in Carnforth & Garstang
How it Works
When and Where:
The course will run from 2nd - 5th December 2024 at The Canal Turn Pub in Carnforth and a venue to be decided in Garstang (probably early in 2025).
Four sessions of instruction with examples including 30-45 mins practical and 15-20 minutes from our guest photographer - an outdoor element (weather permitting) 60 minutes to put it all into practice. Weekend courses can start at midday each afternoon and run until 5pm inside with an optional hour outdoors from 5pm to 6pm. (see below for content). Evening classes start at 7pm and typically run for two hours. If you miss a lesson, there are comprehensive notes and 1-1 catch up sessions.
£25 joining/booking fee - to include comprehensive notes. Plus a donation of your choice at the end, you decide how much you want to give. (Most people donate £50-100 in total) - all the fees are being donated straight to Hope and Homes for Children who are currently working in Ukraine and several other countries to help children escape a life imprisoned in institutions.
Future Classes:
I have been living on my narrowboat since October 2021 so I'm taking the photography course nationwide. All it takes is for you to suggest a venue (within walking distance of a canal) and find a few friends to join you, then I will run the course.
Over £20,000 raised for the charity so far. Get in touch for more information or to suggest a venue

- Every penny goes to Hope and Homes for Children
- Coming to a pub or village hall near you (if you live near a canal)
- Why go on a course with one instructor when you can come on ours and have one to one help from several professional photographers.
- Suitable for anyone from beginner with smart-phone camera to enthusiasts with SLR equipment. Any age from children to pensioners!